
If you have any concerns or need more information regarding our website’s disclaimer, please email us at support@couponcops.com.

General Disclaimer

All content on this website, https://couponcops.com, is provided in good faith and for informative purposes only. CouponCops does not guarantee the correctness, trustworthiness, or completeness of the information provided on this website. Any decisions you take based on the information contained on CouponCops are entirely your own risk. CouponCops is not accountable for any losses or damages incurred while using our website.

External Links Disclaimer

Our website may include connections to other websites. While we strive to provide high-quality links to credible and ethical websites, we have no control over the content or character of these other sites. The inclusion of these links does not mean that we support all of the information on the linked sites. Website owners and content are subject to change without notice, and links may become old or unsuitable before we can delete them.

Please be aware that when you leave CouponCops and visit other websites, their privacy policies and terms of service may change. We recommend that you study their rules before disclosing any personal information or engaging in transactions.


By accessing and using our website, you acknowledge and agree to this disclaimer and its terms.

Updates to This Disclaimer

We may update or revise this disclaimer from time to time. Any modifications will be clearly reported on this page. We invite you to return to this website on a frequent basis to remain up to speed on any new information.

If you have any more questions or issues, please contact us at support@couponcops.com.